
Page 178 GO IT ALONE!
Don’t put your existing job at risk by failing to follow your company’s formal disclosure process. Then, it’s your life, your spare time, and your business, and there’s no need to discuss these activities at the office ever again.
Here’s an example of what I mean. I had written a well-regarded article for an industry trade journal about the likely development of advertising on the Internet. At the time, I was general manager of new media at Time Inc., the division of Time Warner that was leading the company’s early activities on the Internet. A publisher approached me about turning it into a book—NetMarketing . The company had a policy that officially encouraged employees to write books—after all, a good many staff members were journalists—provided that your immediate supervisor did not object and that the company’s publishing division, Warner Books, was offered first rights to the book. Like most busy people, I concluded that there was no way I could do my day job and write a book on the side. As I was considering the issue, I went to see the vice president of communications for Time Inc., Peter Costiglio. After some discussion, he said, “Bruce, you will never have another opportunity like this again. Find a way to do it, even if you have to give up sleeping.” He was right. The book became an unexpected best-seller and launched my own go-it-alone business career. That’s why I say that if you have the desire and the determination, find the time. If you have an idea, it represents an opportunity to change your life. Grab it. The other aspect of this story is how I worked with my division. At the time, I reported to Walter Isaacson, who had written the best-seller Kissinger: A Biography , and was at work on his next book, which would be released several years later as the best-seller Benjamin Franklin: An American Life . Walter looked at me and said, “You don’t have the time to do it,” but indicated that he would never stand in my way. He acknowledged that he

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GO IT ALONE! Copyright 2004 by Bruce Judson. Reprinted by permission of HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.