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His approach to creating the business reflects a discipline that’s important for any go-it-alone initiative. He says: First, my wife was working and I had one substantial commission payment that I would still receive from my previous employer. My wife and I figured out our finances and determined that we could live for a year on her income and this final payment. We were very serious. I had a year to make it work or I was honor-bound to go back to a job in the corporate world. To start out, I worked every day with extraordinary discipline. I used what’s called the fifty-point system. Each day, you have to earn fifty points. A successful phone contact with someone at a business with whom you have never had any previous contact counts as one point. An appointment to meet with someone counts as ten points. Your day does not end until you have hit fifty points. It’s really sales 101, but as people progress, they forget the need for discipline, focus, and determination. I really think a major reason I succeeded was that I stuck to this very disciplined approach to generating new customers, and because it was my all-consuming focus.
In this era of consolidation of major music labels, Bob Hauver and his wife, Patti DeMar Hauver, decided that there was an opportunity to build a niche record label, for which they would both perform and sign other acts. As a result, Hudson Valley Records (www.HudsonValleyRecords.com) was born. Bob kept his office job during the week, while Patti worked from their home on marketing the label. The firm has not yet reached the point where it can support the family, but the Hauvers are very happy. “We have had somewhat less income than we might have

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GO IT ALONE! Copyright 2004 by Bruce Judson. Reprinted by permission of HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.