Page 217 GO IT ALONE!
Charan, Ram, 55–56
Chicken Soup for the Soul (Canfield and Hansen), 46–47
China Manufacturing Network, LLC, 64–65, 72, 132
Churchill, Winston, 39, 79
Cigarran, Thomas, 92
circumvention test, 168–69
Cisco Systems, 166
Citibank, 160
Citrin, James, 179
CleanAirGardening.com, 26–27, 42, 89, 149, 176
Clifton, Donald, 11–12, 99–101, 104
collaboration, ASPs and, 61
Collins, Jim, 40–41, 110–11
communications services, Internet-based, 44
Competing for the Future (Hamel and Prahalad), 96–97, 98
ASPs and, 61, 83–84
complacency and, 189
core competence and, 96–104
extreme, 29–30
focus and, 192
monitoring of, 153, 190
publicity and unwanted, 128–32
reinvention and, 190
response from, 92
60% Rule and, 121–22
speed of smaller companies as asset in, 83–84
time invested in studying, 115
vulnerability test for, 172–73
complacency, 189–90
complexity, as failure warning sign, 188–89
complex task management, 44–45, 61
comprehensive service, highly focused service vs., 191–93
computer services, Web site resources for, 207
computing power (Moore’s law), 58. See also Internet-based services;
plug-and-play economy; Web sites
Conference Board, 1
constant reinvention, 51, 189–90
contingency plan, 171
control, 4, 7, 8, 186
core competence, 96–104
identification of, 99–104
repeatability and, 105–8
skills of, 96–97
TheraSense and, 156–57
corporate organization, unbundling and specialization in, 70–79
Costiglio, Peter, 178
costs, 168–69. See also revenues
Creative Habit, The: Learn It and Use It for Life (Tharp), 203
credibility, 197
credit cards, 159–60, 197
Curry, Greg, 73
customer-relationship management (CRM) services, ASPs and, 61, 65
building base of, 19, 23, 133, 161
demonstrated product appeal to, 91–92
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GO IT ALONE! Copyright 2004 by Bruce Judson. Reprinted by permission of HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.