Page 218 GO IT ALONE!
customers (continued)
feedback from, 149–50, 190
keeping in pace with 17, 21–23
learning from, 114, 149–50, 167, 190
meeting needs of, 21–23, 57, 163–64
customer service, 61, 65, 121, 164
customer value, 97, 126,
customization, mass, 66–69
60% Rule and, 121–22
Cutting, Tim,
19, 176–77
day jobs
outside business disclosure policies and, 177–79
risk reduction and, 19, 170, 174–82
when to quit, 174–79
decreasing support costs. See Rule of Decreasing Support Costs
delegation, 144–45, 148. See also extreme outsourcing
Dell, 85–86, 163
Dell, Michael, 85–86
Deluca, Fred,
demand forecasting, 163, 164
“Dependency” test, 170–71, 195, 204
burnout and, 49–50
as success principle, 17, 38–41, 90
diabetes market, 155–58
“Differentiation and Market Hegemony” test, 167–68
Dilbert (comic strip), 132–33, 195
disability insurance, Web site resources for, 206
discipline, 154
disclosure policies, 177–79
distinctiveness, 167–68
diversification, 172, 192–93
dot.com boom, 167, 183
“Double Your Costs”
test, 169–70
Doyle, Michael, 61, 62, 80
Drucker, David, 73, 74, 175
Drucker, Peter, 24–25
dysfunctional industries, 92
eBay, 27, 36, 63, 147, 170 eHealthInsurance, 77–78, 169
80/20 Principle, The: Secret to Success by Achieving
More with Less, The (Koch), 11, 12, 192
Einstein, Albert, 174–75
Eisner, Sherman, 33, 103, 153, 176
Elephant and the Flea, The (Handy), 194
“Elevator” Test, 165–66
eMachines, 18, 161–64
ASPs and, 61
management service, 32–33, 66–69
Emoonlighter.com (now Guru.com), 25, 30–31, 89, 94
business system of, 111–14
employee numbers
at eMachines, 162
franchises and, 140
growth management and, 29
success and myth of, 2, 6, 133–34
in venture capital businesses, 185, 186
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GO IT ALONE! Copyright 2004 by Bruce Judson. Reprinted by permission of HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.